
Concept design

Building museums for the next generation: the museum 2.0 and 3.0. 

Innovative concept design for museums, heritage and tourist information centers

Worldwide, we are the experts in creative layouts and installations for visitors centres and museums that want to reach a new public and a new generation of visitors. We are proud that some of the most innovative and successful museum concepts in the world have been designed and made by our company.  The conceptual development and complete equipping and fitting out of visitors centres, museums and heritage sites is our speciality.  We build museums for the next generation: the museum 2.0 and 3.0. Visitors will be thrilled, amazed and delighted by what they see, hear and feel, because we place our focus firmly on four key elements: providing an experience, learning from that experience, the stimulation of all the senses and top-class edutainment.  

Some AlfaVision realizations with this service


Bruges, Belgium

The Ghent Altarpiece

Ghent, Belgium

Sacred Books

Bruges, Belgium